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Adult Beginner Classes

Chris treated his wife Rachel to a lovel

Lindsay’s lovely set of button pots 😍__

Melanie’s colourful bubbly personality g
Describe your image.

slab built tea light house
Describe your image.

lace heart

Hand painted
Describe your image.

Throwing on the wheel
Describe your image.

a sociable setting
Describe your image.
Term Time Only
NEW for 2021! More classes are being made available for Beginners, 'Not Novices' and Intermediates - get in touch to find out more.
Tuesday evenings 7.30-9.30pm
SORRY, THIS CLASS IS FULL - Please get in touch to join the waiting list
Wednesdays 1-3pm
SORRY, THIS CLASS IS FULL - Please get in touch to join the waiting list
To book a private session instead contact Helen on 07818833599.
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